Was bisher nur gerüchteweise im Umlauf war, bewahrheitet sich jetzt offenbar: Bloomberg TV soll vor demAus stehen. Betroffen davon sollendie internationalen Sender von Bloomberg sein. Bloomberg unterhält invielen Ländern regionale TV-Programme, so auch in Deutschland. In denUSA dagegen ist keine Einstellung des Programms geplant - so Kreise,die mit der Angelegenheit vertraut sind.
Offenbar will Bloomberg seine weltweite Präsenz von den USA aus steuern und die regionalen Büros abschaffen - bis auf wenige Ausnahmen.
Der Hintergrund seienmangelnde Werbeeinnahmen und ein Engeständnis, dass das Konzept,Bloomberg Terminals via TV zu promoten, gescheitert sei. DieTV-Porgramme würden Millionen kosten und nur unwesentlich zum Verkaufder Bloomberg Terminals beitragen. Die Angelegenheit gelte bisher als"streng geheim."
Das Geschäft mit den Bloomberg Terminals soll dagegen weiterhin recht gut laufen, so Beobachter.
Bloomberg set to cut foreign-language channels berichtet der Telegraph UK
The strategy shift will result in the elimination of foreign language TV and renewed focus on English-language television broadcast out of New York and London, sources inside Bloomberg told Telegraph.co.uk.
The group currently offers numerous foreign language television services in Europe, Asia and Latin America.
Andrew Lack, a former NBC, CBS and Sony BMG Music executive, told staff in a video message today that the cutbacks were essential to help the broadcast operation become profitable.
Mr Lack, who was hired recently to manage Bloomberg TV and radio, is expected to transform Bloomberg TV into a model similar to CNBC.
Bloomberg Television has also cancelled its Night Talk show and said goodbye to long-time anchor Mike Schneider. Mr Schneider's exit follows that of Bloomberg Television managing editor John Meehan.
The privately-owned company makes most of its revenue through 250,000 customers in the financial services industry who rely on the company's data, news and analytics to help make investment decisions. The TV operation is thought to contribute just a fraction of global revenue, which is estimated at about $6bn a year.
Although the company plans to eliminate programs and cut jobs, sources said it may hire staff later this year to position the company for growth.
While Bloomberg is expected to keep some staff in Europe, it is understood that it will be feeding into a New York hub rather that operating as a separate entity.