American Gold Eagle - Amerikas beliebteste Goldmünze. Für viele Amerikaner ist Gold= American Gold Eagle. Deshalb ist der Stopp der Münzherstellung von besonderer Bedeutung.
The mint's suspension of gold coin sales follows its tight rationingof sales of silver eagle coins, begun in May, when sales to the publicwere terminated and sales to the mint's 13 authorized dealers weretightly limited.
Word of the mint's suspension of gold coin sales came from the American Precious Metals Exchange in Edmond, Oklahoma, ( and from Centennial Precious Metals in Denver, Colorado.
The suspension is overwhelming evidence that the futures contractprice of gold on the commodities exchanges is substantially below thephysical market price and that, indeed, the commodities exchanges arebeing used as GATA long has maintained -- as part of a massive schemeof manipulation of the precious metals, currency, and bond markets.
Michael Kosares, proprietor of Centennial Precious Metals and host of its Internet bulletin board, the USAGold Forum (, explained Thursday:
"The U.S. Mint buys direct from the refiners, and this suspension ofgold eagle sales may be an indication that the supply line is alreadybacking up, or that the mint expects that it will back up for the restof the year. I wonder who would give up physical metal at these pricesand under these circumstances except distressed sellers. The centralbanks are in a hunker-down mode as far as I can determine, and it's themines that supply the refiners. So if the mint, which buys from therefiners, is having a difficult time locating metal, what does thattell you? I keep saying that we may get a surprising rubber-band effectlater in the year when the pre-holiday/festival season kicks off inSeptember/October. It may happen sooner. One of our indicators ofapproaching a bottom in gold is how many calls Centennial PreciousMetals gets from our U.S.-based Indian clientele. Here's a quote frommy office's report to me at the end of the day today: 'Today was a goodday. ... There must have been an Indian convention where someone washanding out USAGold business cards.' That may give you a clue as tothinking in India proper and probably the rest of the Asian rim."