Im Eifer des Gefechtes ist leider eine Meldung fehlinterpretiert worden:
Reuters meldet, dass ein Blackstone COO bekannt gab, dass Banken derzeit einen dringend benötigten Kredit in Höhe von 5 Milliarden Dollar für Private Equity verweigern.
Die Originalmeldung lautet:
"The chief operating officer ofprivate equity firm Blackstone Group LP said on Tuesdaythat the limit on bank financing for leveraged buyouts wasabout $5 billion.But COO Tony James said despite the limit, the company hashad an active 12 months, investing $8.7 billion in 27 dealssince the credit meltdown.
"People say you can't do leveraged buyouts," said James,speaking at a Lehman Brothers conference that was webcast."That's not correct. We are getting bank financing for LBOs(leveraged buyouts), but we're not getting bank financing fordeals over about $5 billion in size."
Blackstone has taken part in some of the largest leveragedbuyouts ever, such as the $23 billion purchase of Equity OfficeProperties Trust, but has also done numerous smaller buyouts.
"The public perception is that Blackstone just does largebuyouts, but it's not true," said James.
The credit crunch last summer froze the debt markets forlarge leveraged buyouts, and private equity firms have insteadbeen focusing on smaller deals, minority investments, andinvesting in debt or looking overseas.
Blackstone has invested heavily in real estate, and Jamessaid in that business, it had been selling rather than buyingassets, and was cautious about making new investments."
Es bleibt trotzdem abzuwarten, wie lange Hedgefonds noch von Banken Milliardenkredite erhalten. Die BIZ geht jedenfalls davon aus, dass dem nicht so ist: Hedgefonds verpuffen: BIZ löst Pleite-Alarm aus Die Tage des schnellen unkomplizierten Milliardenkredits zum Zwecke der Übernahme scheinen wohl gezählt...